“Our mission is to honor Jesus Christ by connecting resources with needs and people with opportunities to serve. These connections are directed by prayerful attention to where God is at work through His people in Belize and the US. Since 1996, we have been present, on the ground, and working alongside our dearest friends for the sake of the Gospel and
empowering His children to BE the Word at Work.”
Belize is brimming with opportunities to experience God at work … our Belizean churches and ministry partners work in every segment of society – feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned, caring for orphans and the most marginalized members of Belizean society. Our teams are prepared to come alongside our Belizean partners, sharing their unique gifts, talents, and resources.
Equipping Churches stateside
At the Word at Work, we take seriously our call to empower USA congregations in foreign and local missions. We work hard to prepare team leaders and equip them with the tools needed to prepare, train, and deploy their teams ready to experience God in a new way and open to transformation. We encourage follow-up among teams once they’ve returned home. We frequently hear of team members returning home and being moved to serve God’s kingdom in more tangible ways.
Learn more about How We Go here.
Redemptive Recycling
Every day, resources are discarded in the United States. Businesses and governmental agencies replace computers with the newest model; schools and churches replace desks, chairs, and teacher resources; hospitals and healthcare facilities dispose of unused sterile surgical supplies and replace functional diagnostic equipment. These assets have life and value left in them! Our program seeks to deploy volunteer Ministry Associates across the country to seek out these treasures and claim them for Kingdom use in Belize.
A 40ft sea container loaded with donations can be shipped for around $9,000 USD – the average value of items reaching our friends in Belize is $90,000 USD! We have shipping points in several locations across the US -- you, too, can join our merry band of bargain and donation hunters, or Ministry Associates as we affectionately call them. Contact our office today to find out more.